Girls in Engineering in the news. See how we are making big strides in inclusion and diversity within Engineering.
$2M Endowment for GiE
September 20, 2022 | Kirsten Mickelwait
Reflecting on fiscal year 2021–22, Berkeley Engineering can proudly announce its most successful year of fundraising ever, with a total of $152 million in philanthropic support given by more than 5,200 donors.
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GiE Summer 2021
September 22, 2021 | Video
Girls in Engineering celebrated a second successful year online. For campers, the GiE experience is a finished studio production in which they have a front row seat and participate in the action! Camp is packed with rich hands-on content—applied engineering projects and design challenges derived from ongoing campus research. Campers get one-on-one time with researchers, tour labs and makerspaces, and ask questions and seek their own answers.
Virtually Engaging
November 5, 2020 | Kirsten Michelwait
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Girls in Engineering camp shifted to an online format that completely reimagined the camper experience.
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GiE Summer 2019
December 17, 2019 | Video
After five years, Girls in Engineering is going strong. Through hands-on activities and team projects, students learn how impactful (and fun!) engineering can be. Students realize their potential and stretch their creativity while honing hard and soft skills. In the process, we open their minds to the world of possibilities.
GiE Summer 2016
September 1, 2016 | Video
Berkeley’s Girls in Engineering program shows campers how relevant engineering is in our everyday lives and how solutions to today’s problems are more robust when diverse voices and perspectives are heard and taken into account. This summer, the program expanded their reach to 120 rising sixth, seventh, and eighth graders.
Young makers build prosthetic hands for children in need
July 15, 2016 | Daniel McGlynn
On Tuesday afternoons in June and July, 30 middle school-aged girls gather in one of the maker spaces in Jacobs Hall. They are participants in one of four weeklong sessions of Girls in Engineering, a summer program at Berkeley designed to increase diversity in STEM fields by inspiring girls about the wonders and impact of engineering and scientific inquiry.
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GiE Summer 2015
September 1, 2015 | Video
Engineers as creators, innovators, designers, problem solvers. This is the message the Girls in Engineering program is imparting on the 62 middle school students joining camp this summer. Back for a second year, the summer camp introduces campers to a range of topics that give them a sense of a different type of engineering every day so they might envision themselves as engineers.
Drawing Girls into Engineering, 30 at a Time
October, 2015 | Annie Averitt and Claire Tomlin
For several years, we have been observing that fewer girls than boys participate in our various high school outreach programs and wondered if high school was in fact too late to draw more girls into courses that would lead them to an engineering career. Read more
More women in engineering – what’s working?
June 17, 2015 | S. Shankar Sastry, Dean of Engineering
Increasing the representation of women in engineering is a shared pursuit among educators and the business sector nationwide. Here in Berkeley Engineering, we are moving beyond good intentions with proven strategies for attracting more women to the field, sustaining their interest and fostering their leadership. Read more.
GiE Summer 2014
August 8, 2014 | Video
During its first year, Girls in Engineering dispelled myths about engineering and demystified science, technology, engineering, and math for 60 middle school students from five East Bay schools. The goal of the program is to highlight how fun, interesting and varied engineering is and give these middle school students a chance to try their hand at a variety of different engineering disciplines. See how it resonated with the students.
Berkeley Engineering launches Girls in Engineering summer camp
August 8, 2014 | Dee Dee Mendoza
This summer, Berkeley Engineering hosted 60 fifth, sixth and seventh-graders for a new Girls in Engineering camp designed to inspire middle schoolers to explore careers in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math). Part of the college’s longstanding commitment to increasing the ranks of women in technology, the camps were offered free to students from five East Bay schools. Read More